Saturday, September 22, 2007

Now We Know

So now the whole world has seen that Fidel is still alive. Some are crying, some are saying "I told you so," and some don't care because it doesn't matter, Fidel doesn't matter. Cuba still suffers, whether Fidel is there or not. Nothing has changed.

That must be the worst feeling in the world, to know that after all is said and done, you don't matter. And Fidel must surely know that now. Just as we know he's still around, he knows we don't care. What we care about is a free Cuba, a free people, a free land. We don't care about Fidel.

But I care. I don't care about Fidel the dictator — he can rot in hell (and surely must be rotting already with all those reported surgeries and all he's going through). I care about Fidel the human being that God created a long time ago with the same potential with which He created me and the rest of the humans on this planet.

I would like to see Fidel pay for all he's done. But more than that, I'd like to see him change his life before he dies. I'd like to see him preach the gospel of Jesus before he dies. And I'd like to see him beg for forgiveness. I'd like to see him use his great powers of declamation in a truly worthy cause just once in his life.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cuba saved Reagan?

Two days ago, "Castro" claimed the US had fooled the world with the 9/11 business.

At the end of that article, a single sentence mentions how Castro once saved President Reagan's life by providing information that led to the arrest of several terrorrists. A few more details have emerged I guess. According to this MSNBC article, Cuba once provided the Reagan government the evidence needed to avoid an assassination attempt on the US president in North Carolina. Hmmm. Someone in Cuba's ranting. What are they trying to show now? That Cuba has, or had at some time, good will towards the United States?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Why commedians love him

It's easy to see why comedians love our current president. Check out the clips someone put together for the world to enjoy.